Group Report...

Monday, December 12, 2005

◎Indigenous Arts

Taiwan is enriched by the cultures of 12 indigenous peoples─the Amis 阿美族, Atayal 泰雅族, Bunun 布農族, Kavalan 噶瑪蘭族, Paiwan 排灣族, Pinuyumayan 卑南族, Rukai 魯凱族, Saisiyat 賽夏族, Thao 邵族, Truku 太魯閣族, Tsou 鄒族, and Yami 雅美族. Arts such as woodcarving, weaving, basketry, as well as ceremonial dances and songs, have long played a central role in indigenous life.

 The Paiwan, Rukai, Pinuyumayan, and Yami peoples of southern Taiwan are especially known for their relief and three-dimensional woodcarvings

Waving is especially well-developed among the Atayal. Using simple back-strap looms, Atayal women create rectilinear patterns of squares, diamonds, and triangles, using mostly red, blue, black, and white. Some designs also incorporate strings of thin shell beads or rows of small bronze bells.


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